How to Pump Dirty and Contaminated Water
How to Pump and Screen Dirty Water Without Blocking Your Pump (or anything else along the way)
How to Pump and Screen Dirty Water Without Blocking Your Pump (or anything else along the way)
How to stop fish and eel screens from clogging and blocking. How to reduce intake screen maintenance costs.
Take your Golf course maintenance and irrigation to the next level with Rotorflush self-cleaning filter and filter pump products.
Discover how self-cleaning filters from Rotorflush offer a versatile solution to the challenges of raw water intake screening. Explore how these filters can be adapted to fluctuating water levels, environmental aesthetics, and infrastructure constraints, providing efficient screening for both temporary and permanent installations.
Self-cleaning filters and submersible pumps with self-cleaning inlet strainers for water circulation and re-use in hydroponic systems.
A range of small pump suction hose self-cleaning filters suitable for domestic and light industrial use.
Rotorflush Filters Ltd manufacture and supply submersible pumps with self-cleaning intake screens. The intakes to our filter pumps have an automatic and continuous backwash that prevents debris from clogging the pump. Water is screened as it is pumped, enabling the use of multistage centrifugal pumps in challenging water conditions with minimal maintenance.
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