Manufactured in the UK

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Navigating Raw Water Screening Challenges

Naomi Way


The Versatility of Self-Cleaning Filters

As summer approaches, the anticipation of sunshine and warmer temperatures is accompanied by concerns such as hosepipe bans and water level fluctuations in local water bodies. Despite the record-breaking wet winter in the UK, maintaining adequate water levels remains a crucial consideration.

While individual and organizational efforts to conserve water play a significant role, addressing the challenges of Raw Water Intake (RWI) and waterway management is imperative. At Rotorflush, we've observed a surge in inquiries regarding screening solutions for RWI sites and canals, reflecting the growing need to enhance intake infrastructure.

Many water companies are exploring options to accommodate increased abstraction rates at existing intakes or by exploring alternative intake locations in an effort to cope with demand during extended dry spells. However, they face common obstacles such as fluctuating water levels, environmental aesthetics, limited access to remote sites, costly infrastructure redesign, and space constraints for pump housing.

In response to these challenges, a versatile solution is essential, one that can adapt to varying conditions and installation requirements. This is where cylindrical screening offers a cost effective solution.

By adjusting the height and diameter of our self-cleaning filters, we can effectively screen water at low levels without requiring extensive bank space. 


custom designed filter for low water levels

A custom designed filter for high abstraction rates in low river levels

Our filters are portable and suitable for both temporary and permanent installations, eliminating the need for large supporting structures. This can make for a very discrete installation or reduce the need to completely redesign an existing intake structure.

Our self-cleaning filterpumps™ offer an almost “plug and play” option for sites that can't have surface-mounted pumps.

In summary, our self-cleaning filters offer a practical solution for optimizing raw water intake, addressing challenges associated with fluctuating water levels, environmental concerns, and infrastructure limitations. 

At Rotorflush, we specialize in providing innovative screening solutions tailored to meet the evolving needs of water management systems.

Check out our products for Raw Water Intake and the Water Industry, in particular our Eel Screens for large volume abstraction that remains reliable and compliant.

Alternatively, contact us to discuss how our products can provide the solution to your project's filtration challenges.

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Eel Screening Intake Strainers

Rotorflush Self-cleaning Eel Screens and Eel Screening Intake Strainers are for use with dry mounted pumps. They can also be used as gravity fed intakes as long as a pump is used to supply the backwash. These large capacity pump suction hose self-cleaning filters comply with eel and fish screening regulations.