Manufactured in the UK

Leading Water Filter Experts

Delivered Worldwide

Greener Pumping and Filtration from Rotorflush Filters

C J Hiscock


Rotorflush Products are designed for effective solids / liquid separation. Our self-cleaning filters and filterpumps™ with self-cleaning intake filters enable the re-use of contaminated water, reducing water wastage and disposal costs.

In addition to saving on water consumption, our filters enable raw and waste water to be effectively used for heat exchange and cooling. Our filterpumps™ screen and pump water in one easy to install unit; our filter pumps enable greener pumping and filtration.

Our filters protect heating and cooling equipment from blockage when using water containing suspended solids that may damage heat exchange equipment. This also helps reduce water consumption and helps to save energy.

Rotorflush also manufacture large water intake screens for Eel and fish screening.  Our self-cleaning intake strainers have a large surface area which prevents the entrapment of glass eels and elvers (and other aquatic life) and are often installed where there is an abstraction licence requirement to protect European Eels.

The low intake velocity of our large raw water strainers also complies with EPA Rule 316(b) which constrains intake velocity for cooling water as a means of protecting marine and aquatic life at water intakes in North America.

The UK Environment Agency makes good use of our filter pumps to protect wildlife when they are measuring and sampling water.

Rotorflush uses electric vehicles which are charged directly from our own renewable energy. The van pictured gives excellent service with a good range, even though much of our manufacturing materials and finished products weigh in pretty heavily. All our self-cleaning filters are made from stainless steel and are built to last.

In keeping with our environmentally friendly ethos, at Rotorflush we recycle as much as possible; all our packaging, unused manufacturing materials and office materials.

We heat our premises using an air source heat pump system and generate more electricity than we need with solar panelling.

And why wouldn’t we? We work in a beautiful rural part of the UK down by the Jurassic coast. Caring for our environment is second nature.

If you want to know more about how our products can help you achieve greener pumping and filtration and help you to save water and energy please get in touch. Contact us too if you’d like to know more about our approach to low environmental impact manufacturing.

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