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ATi Recommends Rotorflush Self-cleaning Analyser Filters

C J Hiscock


ATi UK Recommends Rotorflush Self-cleaning Analyser Filters to protect their Q46N Total Ammonia Monitors

Following a successful trial and installation at a leading Utility company, ATi UK is recommending the use of Rotorflush self-cleaning analyser filters and Rotorflush sample pumps with integral self-cleaning filters to protect their analysers and monitors.  Our filters prevent blockage and ensure an uninterrupted flow and low maintenance sampling and testing.  The combination of ATi’s world class monitoring equipment and Rotorflush self-cleaning analyser filters has saved the Utility company thousands of pounds in maintenance costs.

ATi is the fastest growing specialist electrochemical sensor manufacturer in the UK, providing award-winning customer support, efficient and cost effective products and decades of industry experience.  They have already installed many Rotorflush self-cleaning analyser filters and are seeing the benefits our filter pumps with self-cleaning filters can deliver when sampling raw and contaminated water.

One of the leading manufacturers of electrochemical sensor based analysers and monitors in the world,  Analytical Technology has a customer base that includes almost all of the UK’s major water companies. United Utilities, Yorkshire Water, Thames Water, and Severn Trent Water all trust ATi to deliver and to back them up when help is needed.

ATi trialled installations of their Total Ammonia Monitors on-site at a leading UK Utility company for several months. Monitors in the trials were installed along with a Rotorflush submersible filterpump™ with a built-in self-cleaning intake filter.  The Rotorflush supplied sample water filtered through a 150-micron filter mesh to protect the equipment from blockage. The filter is kept clear by the Rotorflush’s unique self-cleaning mechanism that continuously back-flushes the filter mesh without interrupting the flow of filtered water to the monitor.

After three months, each site was visited to determine the extent of system fouling and to carry out maintenance.  Although there was evidence of some particulate build-up this did not prevent the monitors from working and results showed how they continued to operate effectively without calibration during this time. For the most part, the Rotorflush self-cleaning suction intake remained clear and clean, the pumps did not clog or block and very little contamination or debris passed through the system.

  • Find out how Rotorflush self-cleaning filters can protect your analysers and monitors HERE

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