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TKS611 Filterpump™

Topaz 600 Filterpumps™

Industrial Submersible Water Pumps. Rotorflush Topaz 600 Filterpumps™ are medium head general purpose submersible filter pumps with integral self-cleaning suction intakes. They combine pumping and screening, delivering up to 150 m3/hr, - 660 US GPM - and to a maximum head of 4.8 bar, 68 psi.

  • Maximum output - 150 m3/hr, - 660 US GPM
  • Maximum head - 48 m, 157 ft

Price from: £16,570

Smaller Jasper Stainless Steel Seawater Filterpump

Jasper SS Stainless Steel Filterpumps™

Rotorflush Jasper SS Industrial Submersible Water Pumps with a Built-in Self-cleaning Suction Intake Screen. Corrosion resistant 316 stainless steel submersible filter pumps with self-cleaning filter intakes for use in corrosive environments and seawater (see below - "Using Jasper SS Filterpumps™ in Seawater"). Medium head with a maximum output of 1900 l/min and a maximum head of 33.5 metres.

  • Maximum Output – 1900 L/Min
  • Maximum Head 33.5 m

Price from: £5,630

RUBI SFQ-600 Filter pump

RUBI-SFQ Stainless Steel Filterpumps™

Industrial Submersible Water Pumps with a Built-in Self-cleaning Suction Intake Screen. RUBI-SFQ Filterpumps™ are all 316 stainless steel filter pumps, for use in corrosive environments and seawater (see below - "Using RUBI-SFQ Filterpumps™ in Seawater"). They will pump and screen up to 2000 litres a minute, at a maximum head of 4.3 bar.

  • Maximum output - 120 m3 / hr
  • Maximum head - 43 m

Price from: £23,825


RUBI KRS-800AR Filterpumps™

Industrial Submersible Water Pumps with a Built-in Self-cleaning Suction Intake Screen. RUBI KRS-800AR range filterpumps™ are extremely tough, suitable for heavy industrial applications, and dirty water conditions. They will pump and screen up to 335 m3 / hr, and have a maximum head of 3.4 bar.

  • Maximum Output - 334 m3 / hr
  • Maximum Head - 30 metres

Price from: £0

Rotorflush RUBI-LH-800AR Filterpump with integral self-cleaning suction intake.

RUBI LH-800AR Filterpumps™

Industrial Submersible Water Pumps with a Built-in Self-cleaning Suction Intake Screen. RUBI LH-800 range filterpumps™ are durable, cast iron, high-pressure water pumps with stainless steel self-cleaning suction intake screens, suitable for heavy industrial applications and dirty water conditions. They will pump and screen up to 390 m3 / hr, and have a maximum head of 17.5 bar.

  • Maximum output 390 m3 / hr
  • Maximum head 175 m

Price from: £0

Spare RF100 Cage

Spare RF100 Filter Cages

Spare filter mesh cages for smaller Rotorflush pump suction hose self-cleaning filters. Suitable for Rotorflush models RF100INDQ, RF100Duplex, RF100Triplex and RF100ANQ Analyser filter systems. 60, 115 and 250 micron mesh available.

  • Nylon mesh - 60, 115 or 250 microns

Price from: £50

Nastec Control Panel

Cos-Phi Load Monitors and Control Panels

Cos-phi control panels and load monitors for dry running protection for Rotorflush filter pumps

  • Nastec Control Panels
  • Single phase up to 18 Amps
  • Three-phase up to 30 Amps

Price from: £309

GT200 Separator viewed from above

Rotorflush GT200 Liquid Solids Separator System

The Rotorflush GT200 Liquid Solids Separator provides an easy way to remove and dispose of particulate and solids when moving contaminated water. As water flows by gravity or is pumped into the GT200 liquid solids separator, the separator simultaneously filters out debris and pumps filtered water onwards. Debris and particulate left behind is purged from an outlet below the separator as required, either manually or automatically on a timer.

  • Separate Solids from 220 L/Min, 58 USGPM
  • Filter From 6 mm down to 50 Microns
  • Optional Solid Waste Handling Add-on

Price from: £3,500

Omnia with stainless steel mesh

Filterpumps™ for Sampling

Self-cleaning filter pump. The O1608-16 sample pump is a low head submersible filter pump with an integral self-cleaning filter for use with on-line analysers and dosing systems. It delivers a filtered output of water which prevents blockage to nozzles, valves and solenoids. Sample water can be screened to 60 microns and pumped simultaneously.

  • Maximum output - 220 l / min, 58 US GPM
  • Maximum head - 11 m, 36 ft

Price from: £1,970

How Our Filter Pumps work...

See how our award-winning submersible filter pumps with integral self-cleaning intake, work and how they can be easily installed. Enjoy!

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Experts in Self-Cleaning Water Filtration and Screening

Rotorflush Filters Ltd design, manufacture, engineer and supply unique self-cleaning water filtration and screening products, supporting your project from concept through to installation.

Eel and fish screening, irrigation projects, cooling water, and water source heat pumps

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Rotorflush self-cleaning Eel screen on a raw water intake

What Our Filter Pumps do...

Watch a video of our smallest (200 litres a minute) submersible filter pump with integral self-cleaning intake, fitted with 300 micron mesh, pumping and not blocking up in disgustingly dirty water. Enjoy!

Watch More Videos on Our YouTube Channel

Our Expertise

About us

What we do

Rotorflush Filters produce standard and bespoke self-cleaning filters and strainers for pump suction hose intakes.  We also produce a range of submersible filter pumps, pumps with built-in self-cleaning pump intake filters. All our products incorporate our patented and unique Rotorflush self-cleaning filter technology. 

As a Company we help our customers manage their water filtration and screening problems and comply with legislation for eel and fish protection.  

What our filters and filter pumps do for you

For example, we can help you to keep pumps unblocked, keep fountains looking good and irrigation equipment unblocked and running.  Our products allow water to be screened or filtered as you pump directly from a river, reservoir, tank, sump, the sea or other water source. 

They protect pumps, heat exchangers, and analytical instruments, spray bars and more while ensuring a continuous filtered supply from your pump in very dirty water conditions.

Browse our product range to find out more.

Our patented designs

The patented design of Rotorflush Filterpumps™ and pump suction hose self-cleaning filters and strainers resolves the problem of blocked pumps in dirty water. 

Pumping and filtration is combined in one easy to install, very low maintenance self-cleaning intake product.

Continuous supply, continuous cleaning.

Pumps in a car park

Why Rotorflush?

Eel screens ready to go

UK designed and manufactured

Talk to our friendly team of engineers to discuss your design requirements.

  • Built to your water output
  • Filter down to 50 microns
  • Hand-built in the UK
Taking it apart

Experts in Filtration

Standard and Custom Made Filtration Products

  • Industry experts for 20 years
  • Innovative and Patented Design
  • Installed worldwide
Man in the water

Worldwide delivery and service

Through our worldwide distribution network, we offer the ability to:

  • Deliver filter pumps worldwide
  • Help service your filter pump
  • Repair broken filter pumps

Become a Distributor for Rotorflush

Rotorflush Filters Ltd is an award-winning UK manufacturing company, selling directly to customers worldwide. We are establishing a network of distributors and already have representation in some Countries.

We are particularly interested in potential distributors from the USA and Canada.

If you are interested in selling our unique self-cleaning filter products where you live, contact us using the form below, or call!

Distributor map Julian Sargent, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Talk to an Expert About Your Project

Call us now on 01297 560 229 | 8am - 5pm GMT

Or Email

and a member of our expert, friendly team will be in touch to find the filter pump or self-cleaning filter for your needs.

  • We work with you to identify your issues
  • We can design & build a custom solution
  • We can deliver our solution worldwide
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OR Call us on: 01297 560229

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